Tyler County Schools is hiring sub cooks, custodians, and aides. Postings come down January 20th.
Apply online!

No school tomorrow, Monday, January 16th.

Congratulations to our Region I high school honor band students! #KnightsPride

Knights Baseball will be running a 50/50 drawing and selling Iced coffee and chicken/noodles tonight for the Roundball classic starting at 6 PM.

Tomorrow, January 13th, is a professional learning day for teachers and staff. There is no school for students. #KnightsPride

This is a reminder that student do not report on Friday 1-13 due to a PLC day, and students & staff do not report on Monday 1-16 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Important Information: Attention Senior students, parents, and guardians. Tyler County Schools will now be paying for all Senior students’ graduation caps, gowns, tassels, and medallions. If you have already purchased your items, you will be reimbursed for that purchase. We will have further information on that process as we work through it with our supplier. We will also be sending out further direction soon for those who haven’t made their order yet. Please be patience as we navigate these new changes. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Morris at the school. Also, please see the attachments for other important information. #KnightsPride

The junior class will be selling raffle tickets to win a Quilt made from T-Shirts. The shirts represent all the teams and groups in the High School that brought one in. Please see a junior classman or Mrs. Schultheis . Tickets will also be sold at sporting events here at the school.
Also Juniors are needed to come and help sell tickets at the games. Please see Mrs. Schultheis to help out. We Need You!!!

Tyler County Schools are always looking for way to improve communication between parents/stakeholders and Tyler County Schools. Please take the time to fill out this survey so the schools and district office can make improvements to better serve our families and community.
Thank You, Shane Highley, Superintendent, Tyler County Schools

The Boggs Pizza Roundball Tournament will take place Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at Tyler Consolidated.

Beginning Wednesday this week, TSA members will be able to stay after school until 5:00 to work on projects. Work days will be each Monday and Wednesday until projects are due. Sign up on the outside of Mrs. Cunningham's door if you'd like to stay.

Attention students! Are you interested in poetry? Do you like to read, write or discuss literature topics? If so the New Poets of the Round table club is for you. Scan the QR code on the poster in the hallway of the second floor to sign up. Be part of the newest club at Tyler Consolidated: The Poets of the Round Table.

The Silver Knights wrestling team finished in 6th place out of 20 teams this weekend at the Cameron Tournament. Place winners included Branson Winfrey 6th Place, Colsen Spragg 5th Place, Luke Yoho 4th Place, Kaden Huffman 4th Place, and Sean Winfrey who was the tournament champion pinning his way through the competition in route to a first place finish. Congratulations to all those who wrestled this weekend. The Silver Knights compete again at home this Wednesday and 6pm. Please come out and support the team and recognize senior Raustyn Wade as this match will be senior night as well. The Knights take on John Marshall, Paden City, and Hundred. Good luck to all wrestlers.

Join the TCHS Knights Wrestlers, Wednesday, January 11, 2023 as they take on John Marshall, Paden City, and Hundred High Schools. Senior Night activities begin as 6:30 with wrestling starting right after. #knightspride

TCHS Baseball will be selling 50/50 tickets at the MS King of the Castle basketball tournament this weekend. Come out to the Castle to check out some great basketball!

Class of 2023: Graduation Updates from Balfour…
The medallion is included in the cap and gown package, even though it is not shown in the package. The announcement will show as the 2022 announcement but the order will be the 2023 designed announcement. They are having a glitch with their site and are working with their tech. department to resolve it. Early order deadline has also been extended until February 10th. Also, NHS stoles will be ordered at a later time by the school. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to call the school.

Report cards go home tomorrow! #KnightsPride

Information about TCHS Cheer:

National Honor Society and Student Council will hold a canned food drive January 9-13, 2023.

Attention all TCHS parents/guardians. Tyler County schools will be dismissing students at 1:00pm today. All after school events and activities are canceled as well. Thank you and be safe.