
Mrs. Stephens is excited to announce that TCHS had several students' artwork accepted to Arts Alive this year. In addition to the students (Jamie Daugherty, Lauren Templeton, Gwen Jacenkiw, and Alissa Greathouse) whose artwork will automatically advance from the West Virginia Art Education Association Artshow currently exhibited in Parkersburg, the following students have earned the award of representing our school in this statewide artshow.

Jamie Daugherty with two additional pieces

Ryan Dillon with a digitally edited photo

Gwen Jacenkiw with an additional watercolor painting

Alissa Greathouse with an additional printmaking project

Briann Templeton with a printmaking project

Paula Dunham with a printmaking project

Kate Gorrell with a pencil drawing

Arts Alive will be Friday, May 6th at the Charleston Culture Center beginning at 6:00 pm.