Good luck to the TCHS Quiz Bowl Team as they travel to Paden City HS today for a competition. #knightspride
The Tyler Consolidated Brass Choir will perform at the WV State Honors Recital on Thursday, March 3rd at 6:00 in the Little Theatre at the Charleston Coliseum.
New features on the HS website include scholarship applications for seniors and opportunities for all students. Go to, click on [Menu], then choose [Scholarships] or [Student Opportunities] to access the information.
Hunter Safety classes will be offered to a group of TCHS students today and tomorrow. Click on the link below to read more about Hunter Safety courses from the WVDNR.
There is NO SCHOOL on 2/28 & 3/1. Enjoy the long weekend!
TCHS FFA officers spent the day in Charleston.
TCHS FFA officers spent the day in Charleston.
There will be a Teen Medical Explorers Academy from June 20 to June 23, 2022, at WVU Parkersburg. They are accepting 20-25 students aged 13 to 18 for a week-long immersion into health care careers and fun activities with nursing and surgical technology. The students will learn standard first aid, dressings, hygiene, transferring patients, become certified in CPR, and guest speakers from different disciplines will be invited to speak. The MedFlight Helicopter is scheduled to visit one day. Students will receive a set of scrubs, a stethoscope, a cinch sac backpack, a journal, and will receive a nursing pin for completing the academy. See your counselor for more information or to register.
Congratulations to the following individuals on their placement in the Young Writers Contest representing Tyler Consolidated High School. In 3rd place-Kashia Brown, 2nd place-Jacob Swartz and the winner of this years Young Writers Contest for Tyler Consolidated is Cody Jones! Cody's submission will now go on to compete at the state level! Congratulations to all place winners and good luck Cody at the state level competition!
It's National FFA Week! TCHS FFA officers are headed to Charleston today to attend FFA Day at the WV Legislative session. Check out the WV FFA and national FFA websites for more information about the program.
FYI for those traveling to the TCHS boys bball game this morning.
The 72nd Annual Tyler County Ham, Bacon, and Egg Show & Sale is Saturday, March 12th at Tyler Consolidated High School.
Attention seniors!
The Disability History Contest Committee is pleased to announce the 2022 Disability History Essay Contest in West Virginia! This contest is designed to provide you with an opportunity to showcase your writing skills, share what you have learned about the Disability Rights Movement, use your ability to form and express opinions, and perhaps to earn some money to help you into your future! All WV high school seniors are invited to submit an entry.
Find the application on the Tyler Consolidated High School scholarship webpage. ( -> Menu -> Scholarships)
The Tyler Consolidated Brass Choir will perform at the WV State Honors Recital on Thursday, March 3rd at 6:00 in the Little Theatre at the Charleston Coliseum.
These art pieces have been selected to be displayed in the West Virginia Art Education Association art show at the Parkersburg Art Center beginning February 26th. These pieces will then automatically advance to the Arts Alive art exhibit in May in Charleston. Congratulations to these exceptionally talented artists! #KnightsPride
(Ceramic Tea Pot-Jamie Daugherty)
(Ceramic Coil Vase-Lauren Templeton)
(Paper Mache Dragonhead-Gwen Jacenkiw)
(Mixed Media Nautical-Alyssa Greathouse)
(Water Color-Jamie Daugherty)
HS boys basketball will be playing Roane County in the HOME LKC placement game on Thursday. JV tip time will be 5:45, with Senior night to follow.
The Silver Knights Wrestling team claimed the runner up title this past weekend at the LKC championship. This is the highest finish for the wrestling team in team history. Total the knights had six place winners. Kaden Huffman and Trenton Huffman both claimed LKC championships, Sean Winfrey finished as runner up, Branson Winfrey finished in third place, and both Luke Yoho and Case Landis finished in fourth place. Also, Mya Anderson finished in fourth place this Saturday at the girls state championship. Congratulations to all Silver Knight wrestlers!