Any senior planning to attend WVU, remember to register and take your ALEKS placement test so you can register for New Student Orientation, which opened on March 1st.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Pre-K & Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year opens today! Please share this information and reach out to anyone who might be interested.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Attention Senior Students/Parents/Guardians: Balfour has mailed refund checks today. Please be on the lookout for your refund. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Morris at the high school. Thank you for your patience!
almost 2 years ago, Paden Morris
Attention Juniors - if you are planning to go to MOVTI next year, and have not attended this year, please see Mrs. Stollings for a MOVTI application. This is only for those who will be attending MOVTI for the first time.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Attention Seniors - tomorrow, March 1st, is the deadline for the FAFSA to try and receive full financial aid and the Promise Scholarship. Please submit your application by tomorrow evening, even if it is not complete or correct. You can always go in and make corrections after the March 1st deadline.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
All the health classes worked on mental health coping mechanisms by trying Tai Chi with Mrs. Yeater. Thank you for your time Mrs. Yeater!
almost 2 years ago, Lillian Jones
practicing opening the fan.
balance was key
Everyone did great!
demonstrating for the class
different Tai Chi moves
Successfully opening the fan !
first attempt
The fan is deceivingly loud when it opens !
timing and balance
2nd semester health students making slime.
almost 2 years ago, Lillian Jones
Testing the slime consistency.
Mixing the borax and glue.
after they added the color
Showing off the great slime!
Today the sophomores were able to tour the Movti and get some hands on experience. Thank you for taking the time for our students!
almost 2 years ago, Lillian Jones
practicing fingerprinting
Devin was able to practice screen printing
Practicing CPR
trying to draw blood
the students wore drunk goggles
loading vials of medicine
working with handcuffs
shooting simulator
digital media
walking the line with drunk goggles
Reminder: There will be no school for students on Friday, February 24th.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Attention Juniors and Seniors - we will be taking 2 busses to WVUP on Thursday for those of you interested touring the campus. You will receive a permission form today that must be returned no later than Wednesday. Space is limited and will be first come, first served. See Mrs. Stollings if you have questions.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
There are several scholarships currently available to students - some include the Tyler County High School Alumni, the Courtney Evans Scholarship, the Area Conservation District Scholarship and more. Many have upcoming deadlines of early March - please complete and submit to Mrs, Stollings as soon as possible. Junior CTE completers, who are those who will complete a program at MOVTI or here with Ag or Foods - the Horatio Alger Scholarship is available to you this year. Please see Mrs. Stollings for an application.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
The Knights Concert Band has known for a few weeks that they were not selected as the state honor band; however, Mr. Jennings had not received composite scores until just recently. The TCHS band finished 2nd out of 8 submissions behind George Washington High School and ahead of Morgantown High School. They also met the minimum score of 90% to be considered as state honor band. Directors only submit recordings of their band for consideration if they feel their band truly has a strong chance of being named the best in the state. Unfortunately, because of the current system in place, the band does not receive any trophies, runners-up titles, or other public recognition for being the second-best band in the state, regardless of class size. So, congratulations band on your incredible hard work and months of preparation that went into this process and on being among the best in the state.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
The Knights Wrestling team competed in the regional meet at Fairmont this weekend. The Silver Knights placed 5th overall in Region 1 and was the highest placing single A team. Keith Doyle placed 6th, Branson Winfrey placed 5th, and Kaden Huffman, Colsen Spragg, Kendall Huffman, and Raustyn Wade all placed 3rd in their classes. Sean Winfrey finished in the runner up position. Congratulations, Knights.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Reminder: There will be no school for students on Friday, February 24th.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
There will be no afternoon MOVTI tomorrow, Friday-February 17th. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Paden Morris
Washington State Community College is holding an open house event for prospective students on March 30th from 5-7pm. See the attached flyer for more information.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Congratulations to the following students for winning the Young Writers Contest at the school level: 11th Grade: 1st place Hayden Montgomery 2nd place Layla Williamson 3rd place Harley Yeater 9th grade: 1st place Lakyn Wallace 2nd place Mckenzie Utt 3rd place Hailee Johnson
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
The TCHS Boys Varsity Basketball team will travel to Gilmer County on Thursday, February 16th for the LKC Placement game. Game time is set for 7:00.
almost 2 years ago, Shawna Griffin
Congratulations, Bruce Pratt, who won the Knights blanket that was raffled off by the Junior Class. There wasn't a phone number on the ticket, so Bruce - please contact the school to arrange to pick up your blanket!
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Reminder: There will be no school for students on Friday, February 24.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
no school